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What Are DJs Actually Doing on Stage?

Zegaware Team |

Ever been to a concert or party and wondered what that guy behind the table full of electronics actually does? The music's bumping, the people are dancing, and it just seems like the DJ is in control of the whole vibe of the event. But exactly what happens up there? Well, let's break things down real simple.

Spinning the Music

Imagine that you are attending a party and the DJ is in charge of your entertainment, provided he fills the air with some really cool music that gets you moving your body. They work with turntables, DJ sets, software to mix, or even computers at times.

To some, being a DJ might just mean playing some Spotify playlist. It is rather like being a chef, with the art of choosing exactly the right ingredients to make a perfect dish. So, DJs pick songs off the crowd, energy, type of event, and even time of night.

DJs play the upbeat tracks when the crowd gets hyped up. They slow things down on a chill event or late at night. They create a musical journey tailored to the mood and vibe of the event.

Mixing Tracks

Ever notice how the music at a DJ set never really stops? It just flows seamlessly from one track to the next. But it is an art that blends the songs together, and this is what is called 'mixing'.

One song is loud, so everybody can hear it, while the other is only in the headphones. A DJ changes the speed and volume of the second song to sound like the first one, making a smooth transition. That is what they call beatmatching—an awesome ability accomplished by ear and thousands of hours of training. Do it right, and the energy of a party will never drop. The dance floor remains full.


You've probably heard that 'zippy' or 'scratchy' sound at a party. Well, that is just the DJ adding his or her flair with something called 'scratching.'

Scratching involves rubbing the vinyl record against the turntable, back and forth, to create a marvelous sound. It's much like an artist stroking his painting; it gives the sound a personal signature. So next time you hear that scratchy sound, remember it is how the DJ will stamp his identity on that particular track.


What you are hearing when you're listening to a DJ and the music just flows, without one single beat skipped, is called beatmatching. Basically, it's adjusting the speed of two different songs so that both go into the mix together seamlessly.

Think of it like two joggers racing. If one is faster, either they slow down or the other one speeds up to keep pace. DJs do this exact thing with the songs, so they can adjust their tempos to the beats and therefore keep a continuous flow of music playing. This will keep the energy up and smooth transitions that will keep the party moving.

Reading the Crowd

Any good DJ doesn't just play music; he reads the crowd. They watch the people's reactions to different tracks and adjust their set in relation.

If the crowd doesn't respond to a particular track, he immediately switches over to something more popular or simply changes the style of music. It's like a kind of chef, cooking to please his guests, making sure that everybody enjoys the meal. A DJ's talent in reading crowds and spinning the right tracks at the right time keeps the party alive and everybody happy.

Creating the Atmosphere

Think back to the last party or event you went to. Remember how that felt—relaxed and chill or energetic and exciting? The DJ's art helps to create all those feelings.

They choose music that fits the mood of the place. It's smooth at a lounge, but upbeat and full of energy inside a club. However, DJs do much more than just play music: they may control lights or visual elements or even dance themselves to get the crowd going.

Much similar to decorating one's room with posters and fairy lights to set up the atmosphere, so a DJ sets the scene for an unforgettable night.


DJs definitely stand way out from the guys who just spin music. They are musicians and performers. They also read crowds, sweat to ensure everybody has fun, go home smiling, and probably discover a few new jams.

So, the next time you are out having fun and really jamming to that DJ on stage, just know that they are putting in much effort to bring out that perfect atmosphere. Mixing tracks, scratching vinyl, reading crowds to set the tone—those disc jockeys are truly the maestros of a party. Enjoy the music, dance all night; behind those turntables, there is much more happening than meets your eye.